
Showing 8-14 of 35 results


Prioritizing Health Pros' Pain Points in Connected Medical Device Design

In life-or-death situations, Internet of Medical Things-enabled devices are helpful only if healthcare professionals are willing to use them.

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Kyle Kotowick, Ph.D.

Kyle Kotowick, Ph.D.

Kyle Kotowick, PhD (MIT ‘18), is a solutions architect, an innovator, and the Founder and CEO of Invicton Labs.

A New Front in the War for Automotive Talent

Technology is dramatically changing how people use cars. To stay competitive, automakers must embrace new methods of finding, hiring, and managing highly skilled, digital talent.

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Toptal Research

Toptal Research

We pair cutting-edge data with editorial insights to inform readers about the future of work.

The Future of Healthcare Is Virtual

As work flexibility rises, so must healthcare flexibility. Matt McCambridge, Co-founder and CEO of Eden Health, reveals the future of telemedicine and what today’s teams need to stay healthy and happy.

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Matthew M.F. Miller

Matthew M.F. Miller

Professional writer and editor, author of two published books and hundreds of feature articles. He is a Senior Writer at Toptal.

Optimizing the Future of Global Humanitarian Efforts

The European and Americas winners of the Toptal Scholarship for Women are reinvigorating global humanitarian efforts by applying cutting-edge technologies to refugee relief and scientific research.

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Toptal Research

Toptal Research

Toptal is an exclusive network of the world’s top freelance developers, designers, finance experts, product managers, and project managers.

History of Augmented Reality: Glow Pucks to Immersive Reality

Andrew Graunke, Toptal Head of Enterprise Design, has implemented augmented reality (AR) design projects for dozens of enterprises. Here he outlines his pocket history of AR: from fighter jets to touchless computers to Glow Pucks, AR has already started making waves. Based on his current projects and pipeline, Graunke also blueprints his vision for AR’s future.

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Andrew Graunke

Andrew Graunke

As Director of Enterprise Design at Toptal, Andrew helps CEOs and FORTUNE 500 innovation teams scale easy-to-use, technology-sound, high-impact products. Andrew’s work has been featured in Wired, Forbes, and the Harvard Business Review.

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How to Predict the Future: Mitigating the Impacts of Uncertainty

Strategic foresight has become an essential tool for any organization, but how does futurism translate to strategy? In this interview, Amy Zalman, PhD, founder of foresight consultancy Prescient, explains how to utilize strategic foresight and navigate the influx of artificial intelligence and other global transformations.

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Toptal Research

Toptal Research

The Enterprise Starting Point: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

An expanding array of artificial technology options presents enterprise executives with a daunting challenge: where to start? Toptal executives share perspective on the distinction between AI and Data Science, and why the latter serves as the best starting point for most companies.

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Toptal Research

Toptal Research

How Technology Can Fix Student Assessments

In K-12 education, end-of-year student tests drive crucial decisions for teachers and policymakers. But these assessments are profoundly flawed ways of measuring student growth and achievement. This article explores the ways in which technology can improve such assessments, as well as the K-12 classroom experience as a whole.

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Toptal Research

Toptal Research


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