Gerardo Gastaldo, Developer in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gerardo is available for hire
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Gerardo Gastaldo

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Front-end Developer

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Toptal Member Since
March 19, 2013

Gerardo是一名高级React开发人员,拥有多年创建精美应用程序的经验和超过十年的广泛开发经验. 他专注于在前端使用最新的React建议,比如使用hook和TypeScript, libraries like Emotion, Styled Components, Theme UI, and components libs like Ant Design and MUI. 无论是独立工作还是作为开发团队的一员,他都能高效地工作. He has a degree in systems engineering.


Cruise Automation
React, TypeScript, MUI CSS, CSS3, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Big Rig Media
React, TypeScript, Sass, Ant Design, Redux, JavaScript, CSS
CSS3, HTML5, TypeScript, React, Ant设计,Web开发,JavaScript, CSS




Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...我编写的软件是一个JavaScript函数,它可以通过从Microsoft Word中粘贴HTML来清理浏览器生成的HTML. It supports bullets, lists, and tabs.

Work Experience

Senior React Developer

2021 - 2022
Cruise Automation
  • Added new features, resolved bugs, and improved the existing code, all related to the web React web app.
  • 使用Chrome分析工具检测并解决了渲染性能问题.
  • Worked with the Google Map component, 显示不断更新其位置的车辆的标记.
技术:React, TypeScript, MUI CSS, CSS3, HTML, JavaScript, CSS

React Developer

2020 - 2021
Big Rig Media
  • Created a web app from scratch using Ant Design components. 从底层线框图设计所有的屏幕、布局和表单.
  • Designed the layouts, list, 并可根据客户要求进行造型,无需设计人员参与项目.
  • 实现了表单的抽象,以方便地管理验证, changes, and form state; and for tables to efficiently manage pagination, sorting, and filtering.
技术:React, TypeScript, Sass, Ant Design, Redux, JavaScript, CSS

Freelance React Developer

2020 - 2020
  • 使用Ant Design组件从零开始为新版本的平台创建仪表板门户.
  • 设计整个项目,包括屏幕,布局,和低级线框图的形式.
  • 根据常见用例提出的更改,例如使用情态和图标进行操作.
  • 领导其他初级前端开发人员,包括分配任务、指导和审查代码.
技术:CSS3, HTML5, TypeScript, React, Ant设计,Web开发,JavaScript, CSS

React Developer | C# Developer

2020 - 2020
E11 Capital
  • 使用ASP创建了几个微服务作为后端的一部分.NET Core.
  • Built the initial version of the admin portal using React.
  • 帮助创建从遗留应用程序导入数据的SQL导入脚本.
Technologies: React, PostgreSQL, ASP.NET Core 3, ECMAScript (ES6), REST APIs

Web Developer | DevOps

2018 - 2019
  • Set up Azure DevOps Services, projects, repositories, VMs, automated builds, and continuous integration.
  • 使用SemanticUI组件在React中创建了一个门户,以显示从本地Tableau服务器提取的统计图表.
  • 配置和管理运行Tableau服务器的VM,以提供图表.
Technologies: MongoDB, Azure DevOps, Node.. js, React, Azure, ECMAScript (ES6), Web开发,JavaScript, CSS

Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2018
US Compliance Systems, Inc.
  • Fixed bugs in the current UI in Razor Views with jQuery.
  • 为了用jQuery代替Razor Views编写的旧UI,使用React从零开始创建了一个新的UI.
  • Helped refactor the .. NET Core后端从单片服务到在Docker中运行的微服务.
Technologies: .NET, ASP.NET Core, React, Web Development, JavaScript, CSS

Senior .NET Developer

2016 - 2018
Leapfactor, Inc.
  • Created a small mobile web app for capturing new clients. This was created using .NET Core and Framework 7 for the UI.
  • 用Angular 2 (TypeScript)从一个移动应用中开发了一个模块来转账. 它有一个由UX团队提供的定制UX设计,我用HTML和Sass重新创建.
  • 帮助用React和Redux创建了一个内部使用的web管理控制台.
  • 参与开发了Kindability,这是一个使用c#、ServiceStack和RavenDB构建的项目.
Technologies: ASP.NET Core, .NET, React, Angular, ServiceStack, C#, ECMAScript (ES6), CSS

Semi-senior Developer

2015 - 2016
  • 在企业桌面应用程序中创建了一个模块,用于管理财务实体. This development involved WPF, MVVM, and Prism.
Technologies: .NET, REST, C#

Main Developer

2014 - 2015
Spirit Consulting, LLC
  • Maintained the CitiWonders internal management web app.
  • Started prototyping a dating app with Xamarin Forms.
Technologies: .NET, Xamarin, C#, ASP.NET MVC 5

.NET Developer

2012 - 2014
Making Sense, LLC
  • 在ASP中开发Lander(一个终端用户产品,与市场相关)的后端.NET.
  • Worked on an internal web portal related to email marketing.
  • 使用MVC编程范例在c#中制作控制器和模型. Used WCF to communicate with web services.
  • Created a Windows Store app for Rackspace, a front-end for server management in particular file servers.
Technologies: .NET, JavaScript, Entity Framework, Azure, ASP.NET MVC 3, C#

.NET Developer

2011 - 2012
Philips Medizin Systeme Böblingen
  • 致力于医疗设备问题跟踪应用程序的TFS实现.
  • 创建了一个工具,将遗留跟踪从Excel表导入到TFS.
Technologies: .NET, Excel Add-ins, LINQ, C#

Toptal React Academy

Toptal React学院是一个独家学习计划,教React框架选择Toptal网络的成员. After a month of study, 所有毕业生的任务是完成30-40小时的期末项目,从头开始构建和交付React应用程序. The above is a walkthrough of my final project.

ASP.NET Developer
这是一个电子邮件营销平台网站,我一直在工作. I added new features to the site using ASP.NET MVC 3 with EF. 我一直在开发这个网站,这是一个电子邮件营销平台. 对于前端的客户端逻辑,我还使用了AJAX、UI和jQuery.

Rackspace Cloud App

这是我在两个月的时间里创建的一个应用程序,作为一个八人开发团队的一部分. 它被实现为Rackspace控制面板的新前端. 与Rackspace服务器的通信是使用REST API完成的. We used an MVVM pattern in conjunction with XAML and C#.


C#.. NET、HTML、CSS、c#、JavaScript、SQL、CSS3、ECMAScript (ES6)、SCSS、TypeScript、HTML5、XAML、Sass


ASP.NET Core, .NET, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, Ant Design, Entity, ASP.NET MVC 3, ASP.. NET MVC 5, ServiceStack,实体框架核心,Redux, Angular, MUI CSS


React, React Router, jQuery, jQuery UI,实体框架,LINQ, Node.js, REST APIs, React Redux


Visual Studio 2019, Jira, Git, Bitbucket, GitHub


Scrum,敏捷软件开发,Azure DevOps, REST,模型视图视图模型(MVVM)


Windows, MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Azure, Xamarin, Visual Studio 2017, Docker


SQL Server 2008, PostgreSQL, MongoDB


Web开发,Ajax,云计算,云,前端,Excel插件,ASP.NET Core 3, Systems Engineering

2003 - 2009

Bachelor of Technology Degree in Systems Engineering

Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Buenos Aires, Argentina


Toptal React Academy Graduate

Toptal, LLC

Collaboration That Works

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