Joseph Halter, Developer in Hobscheid, Luxembourg
Joseph is available for hire
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Joseph Halter

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Hobscheid, Luxembourg
Toptal Member Since
February 10, 2015

在金融领域做了几年开发人员之后, Joseph transitioned to a contracting role, which allowed him to gain experience across diverse industries, including HR, entertainment, and healthcare. 他与各种规模的组织合作过,从初创公司到财富500强公司.


Openhood sarl
RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, Ember.js, Elixir
Talentbox SA/Metrilio SA
PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Kneip Communication SA
MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, CSS, HTML




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git

The most amazing...

...我最大的成就是参与了辉瑞公司的一个项目,加快了关键药物的交付, including the COVID-19 vaccine.

Work Experience


2016 - PRESENT
Openhood sarl
  • Consulted for various small to medium businesses.
  • 将一个事务性REST API扩展到多个服务器,使用RabbitMQ在服务器之间传递消息.
  • 创建了一个静态网站生成器,以满足客户的特定需求.
  • Used Ember.js和Semantic UI为移动和桌面用户创建单页web应用程序.
  • 创建了一个交易多种货币的市场,用户之间可以实时聊天.
  • Created a multiplayer 3D web game using Babylon.js and Elixir/Phoenix with GraphQL for the back end.
  • 创建了一个带有动画组件的单页应用React网站, front-end side tests, 以及一个使用Storybook的组件库,具有响应式设计,适用于移动/平板电脑/桌面. Used GraphQL with Elixir/Phoenix in the back end.
  • 处理一个非常大的Rails应用程序的GDPR遵从性,包括与10多个外部提供商的集成, each with their own API integration, including Stripe, Onfido, Braze, AppsFlyer, Mailchimp, ZenDesk, and more.
  • Organized a web-based contest where people can win a $100,000 free roll then later a $250,000 free roll with timer, real-time charts and visualizations, email notifications, 一个完整的web管理界面,具有多种格式的过滤和报告.
  • Allowed people to sign up using Twitter, Facebook, or email, track the signed-in user's Twitter friends, 并允许用户与他们的追随者分享多个事件, optimize display of posts on Twitter as a nice card, and optimize for a perfect Google page speed score.
Technologies: RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, Ember.js, Elixir

Senior Developer

2011 - 2016
Talentbox SA/Metrilio SA
  • 将十几个独立的客户特定的Rails应用程序迁移到一个新的统一的可配置在线平台, 将建立新客户的时间从一个月缩短到三天.
  • 维护一个包含数百个表和模型的非常大的Rails代码库, 经历几个重构过程,以便在控制维护时间的同时始终允许添加新功能.
  • Added thousands of integration tests to avoid regressions, reduce errors, and reduce the need for human testing, which was previously a full-time job for one person.
  • 将生产从每月一次部署提高到每天多次部署.
技术:PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, CSS, HTML

Software Architect

2009 - 2011
Kneip Communication SA
  • 为金融机构提供基金发布矩阵浏览平台, 允许他们实时查看和搜索报告的内容,而由于Oracle数据库有大量存储过程,该公司无法每天生成报告的内容.
  • 构建了一个多内部API来同步使用不同编程语言开发的遗留应用程序.
  • 编写邮件机器人API,以便在基金创建的所有步骤中与ClearStream通信,以获得新的ISIN代码.
  • 开发了一个新的平台,集中所有与资金相关的文件,并允许在一个非常复杂的许可系统中快速批量导入双时态数据库中的数据.
技术:MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, CSS, HTML

Computer Programmer

2006 - 2009
Akira Web SA
  • 为香奈儿创建了一个17种语言的网站,宣传他们最新的香水.
  • 通过短信通知为国际领先的钢铁和矿业公司的领导搭建沟通平台.
  • 用PHP编写内部CMS,以支持多种语言本地化的网站, 允许人们创建自己的表单和向导,并将它们绑定到多个自定义服务.
  • 处理多个专用服务器,并将PostgreSQL扩展到多个服务器.
  • 开始越来越频繁地使用Rails来更快地开发原型.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, Flash, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML


2006 - 2006
Artic Media Sàrl
  • 创建了一个基于劳动力分组的地理位置查找房地产的平台.
  • 为一家珠宝店建立了一个网站,非常注重可用性和可访问性.
  • 从零开始为当地一家大型购物中心编写了一个网站,并致力于搜索引擎优化,直到它在所有相关关键词的谷歌搜索中排名前10, 在连续几个月只搜索城市名称时,它甚至排名第一.
  • Organized online contests where it's possible to win real money, 并致力于防止人们能够欺骗系统.
Technologies: Flash, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML


2005 - 2006
Lorweb Sàrl
  • 将本地足球队的手工条目转换为具有可理解图表的可搜索数据库.
  • 扩展了内部CMS,使客户能够更轻松地以多种语言创建新页面.
  • 创建了一个任务来加载、解析XML文件的多个目录,并将其与在线数据库同步.
  • 通过为分页对象创建特定索引和优化查询速度,扩展了一个基于Microsoft sql的网站.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, ASP.NET, JavaScript, CSS, HTML


2001 - 2005
Ekzakt Sàrl
  • Managed customer expectations; responsible for estimates and team planning.
  • 推出了一个成功的多语言在线商店,出售艺术品.
  • Converted 2D schematics into 3D graphics, improved customer/dealership communication, and learned how to register a patent.
  • Helped a customer digitize his growing paper documents archive.
  • 教授客户网站管理员保持公司网站更新所需的技能.
  • 使用Flash矢量和脚本功能创建响应式网站, serving different content depending on resolution.
Technologies: Blender, Flash, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML

Metrilio HR Software


Kneip Master File for Fund Data Management

KNEIP Publication Matrix

A Sequel plugin for bi-temporal data.


SCSS, Elixir, JavaScript, Ruby, CoffeeScript, CSS, HTML, TypeScript, GraphQL, CSS2, CSS3, SQL, HTML5, HTML4, ECMAScript (ES6), JavaScript 5, JavaScript 6, TypeScript 2, TypeScript 3, PHP


Phoenix, Ember.js, Sinatra, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Jest, Redux, Ruby on Rails 3, Ruby on Rails 4, Ruby on Rails 5, Bootstrap, Business Rules Engine, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3+, ASP.NET, Unity3D, RubyMotion, Express.js


REST APIs, Ember Data, jQuery, PayPal API, Sequel, React, Ruby on Rails API, React Redux, JSON API, SendGrid API, Immutable.js, Babylon.js, Node.js, Three.js, Vue


React Apollo, GitHub, Cucumber, RSpec, Git, GitLab, JSS, SendGrid, Vim Text Editor, AWS SDK, JavaScript Debugging, Flash, Blender, RabbitMQ, Webpack, Webpack 4, Webpack 3, Webpack 2


Testing, Test-driven Development (TDD), Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Functional Programming, Refactoring, Pair Programming, REST, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile Software Development, Continuous Integration (CI), Requirements Analysis, Continuous Deployment, Web Architecture


Godot, Heroku, Mailgun, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL 10, JSON, MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Memcached, Redis, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB


Single-page Applications (SPA), Responsive UI, API Integration, Ember CLI, Prototyping, Regular Expressions, Application Security, APIs, Workflow Modeling, Software Architecture, Bitemporality, Pub/Sub, Web Components, Scalability, User Experience (UX), Debugging, Architecture, Visualization, Ruby Gems, Ruby Performance, JavaScript Libraries, CSS Grid, CSS3 Animation, User Interface (UI), eCommerce, Technical Leadership, Apollo, App UI, App UX

1998 - 2000

DEUG (Equivalent to Bachelor's) Degree in Computer Science

Université de Metz - France